Rocking Horse Pictures Limited, is a company registered in England and Wales, whose registered office is at 25 - 28 Field Street, London, WC1X 9DA, company registration no. 07603430.

What data do we collect?

We commonly collect personal identification data to conduct our business activities that may include:

  • Contact details (e.g. name, company name, job title, work and mobile telephone numbers, email and postal address).

  • Professional details (e.g. job and career history, educational background and professional memberships, published articles).

  • Financial information (e.g. taxes, payroll, pensions, bank details).

We typically do not collect sensitive or special categories of personal data about individuals. When we do need to process sensitive personal data, it is with the consent of the individual unless it is obtained indirectly for legitimate purposes. Examples of sensitive personal data we may obtain include:

  • Other financial information (e.g. investment interests, assets, insolvency records).

  • Information provided to us by our clients in the course of a professional engagement.

LinkedIn Conversion Tracking and Insight Tag

We use the LinkedIn Insight Tag which is a piece of lightweight JavaScript code on our website that enables campaign reporting about our website visitors. We use the LinkedIn Insight Tag to track conversions, retarget website visitors, and unlock additional insights about members interacting with our LinkedIn adverts.

The LinkedIn Insight Tag enables the collection of metadata such as IP address information, timestamp, and events such as page views. All data is encrypted and the LinkedIn browser cookie is stored in a visitor's browser until they delete the cookie or the cookie expires (there’s a rolling six-month expiration from the last time the visitor’s browser loaded the Insight Tag).

You can opt out of cookies from LinkedIn on your  LinkedIn settings page and recommend you read their Cookie Policy for more information.

How do we use personal data?

Rocking Horse Pictures only collects necessary personal data to fulfil the purpose of carrying out our business activities. We do not sell on personal data.

How do we store personal data?

Rocking Horse Pictures securely stores personal data with reputable digital services providers. You may ask us to delete your personal data by emailing:

Changes to our privacy policy

Rocking Horse Pictures keeps its privacy policy under regular review and places updates on this web page. This privacy policy was last updated on 23rd February 2023.

How to contact us

For further information about how we handle your data please email: